Supporting & connecting hostel owners and managers in the United States
The Gathering
The Gathering is an annual meet-up and hostel conference opportunity for education and relationship building for hostel owners and managers.
Enjoy three days of speakers, think tanks, discussions, and social time to connect with people in the hostel industry, share great ideas, and rekindle imagination for your business.
Free childcare for attendees is provided.
Save The Dates: November 5-7 in Denver. Tickets on Sale September 1.
Hosteling in the USA has long been misunderstood.
OTA’s don’t understand us. Hostelworld won’t promote us. Americans don’t think about hostels when they travel. There are many challenges that face American hostels when it comes to setting ourselves apart, getting the support and recognition we deserve, and feeling celebrated for the truly wonderful properties we operate.
We’re here to change that, and promote a new standard for American hosteling with Hosteling.US
Long gone are the days of dingy hostels or boring accommodations. American hostels are awesome.
Welcome to the hostel fam. Join our mailing list!
The Makers
The Hostel Collective was created by two mavens of hospitality and a chance meeting. What came of this partnership is more than we ever could have imagined.
We passionately believe in supporting creative lodging options and the creative, thoughtful, adventurous people who run them.
We provide coaching, training, and marketing for hostel owners and manager to help ensure experiential travel is enjoyed by all.